mercoledì 22 giugno 2011

Arone Pakitz

Arone Pakitz
Ebreo coi rizzi
Del ghetto de Cracovia
Un misirizzi
Import Export
Morto a Varsavia

Suo fio Simon
Chirurgo a Vienna
Fatto baron
Per ordine del Kaiser
Morto a Gorizia

Paola sua fia
Cantante d’operetta
Fatta savon
Per ordine del Führer
Morta a Mauthausen

Carolus L. Cergoly

Aaron Pakitz
Jew with the payot
From the Krakow ghetto
A roly-poly
Import export
Died in Warsaw

His son Simon
Surgeon in Vienna
Made baron
By order of the Kaiser
Died in Gorizia

Paola his daughter
Operetta singer
Made into soap
By order of the Führer
Dead in Mauthausen

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